Juan Barato – Promotes to Technical Director
We are thrilled to share the news that Juan Barato has been promoted to Technical Director.
Juan has been instrumental in developing the technical excellence of both our Petrarch reconstituted stone rainscreen panel offer and Downer Framing systems. Over the past couple of years especially, he has worked relentlessly to develop a panel and framing solution which ensures Architectural Panel Solutions is at the top of its game within the facade material market.
It figures that he corners like he’s on rails on a daily basis, given his passion for all things F1 – ‘the pinnacle of all things engineering and speed’ should be his own slogan.
I caught up with Juan earlier in the week and this is what he had to say about his promotion. I will of course be following this up with something more in-depth very soon.
‘I am so pleased to have been promoted to Technical Director! I’ve been developing the technical excellence of our products for a number of years now and so it does feel like a natural progression. However, now that we’ve also top-class additions to our Downer Framing technical team (Nick Eckers) I’m confident that we have the perfect mix to continue developing our outstanding products, brand and provide best-in-class technical support for our customers.
I’m looking forward to this new chapter and contributing to greater success!’
To find out more about our Downer Framing & Petrarch Reconstituted Stone systems, take a look at our websites here: